Sunday, 21 October 2012

what is your favourite pink thing

My favourite pink possession is........

What is your's??? post a comment and let me know

images of pink stuff

how to make a pink flower (8 easy steps)

You will need:
green pipe cleaner
squared pink tissue paper

1.Lay each sheet of tissue paper neatly one on top of the other. Be sure to get the ends, sides, and creases to meet. If they are not exact, it's okay but try to make them as close enough as possible.

2. Fold the combined sheets of tissue paper accordion style, making sure each fold is about 1 inch (2.5cm) wide.

3. Fold the sheets in half, end to end.

4. Take the green pipe cleaner, lay it on the end of the tissue paper and leave a little on the top of the wire to wrap around.

Image:TissuePaperFlower Step 4.jpg

5.Holding this together, staple the wire to the tissue paper of the accordion you have just made with the tissue paper, making sure that you leave enough of it for a stem

6.Fold down the wire to make the stem and twist

7.Starting with the top or bottom, fan out the tissue paper so that no sheets are stuck together, being careful not to tear it.Repeat with the other sheets until it looks like a fluffy flower.

Image:TissuePaperFlower Step 7.jpg

8.If needed, straighten out the petals one part at a time.

Image:TissuePaperFlower Step 8.jpg
You are finished in just 8 easy steps!!

Friday, 19 October 2012

Pink tinc

Have you been online at Tinc they have a whole pink filter, in it it has loads of stationery all in PINK!!!!!!!!

My pink onesie

Today my onesie arrived from the all in one company!! it is a bunny with a tail and the fabric is pink with white stars!

All the shades Of PINK

Hey Pink lovers, if you don't know already then these are all the shades of pink. My favourite pink  is watermelon!